👋 Hello! I'm Chris.

I'm a software developer based in Toronto, with a passion to solve complex problems.

Recently, I built Otter, an open-source cloud native framework for peer-to-peer video communication within web applications.

Learn more about Otter and other applications I built My Resume

Otter is a drop-in, cloud native framework for peer-to-peer video communication within web applications. It can be deployed to AWS with a single command and is ideal for web applications with real-time video communication needs.

Watch the Live Tech Talk on how Otter is built.

For an application developer, Otter abstracts away the complexity of establishing a resilient, scalable infrastructure for peer-to-peer video communication. It is powered by a serverless architecture on AWS, focusing on low maintenance and scalability.

Selected Projects


a real-time webhook debugging tool with custom endpoints

React Node.js Express PostgreSQL MongoDB Tailwindcss


a minimal household inventory management application

Ruby Sinatra PostgreSQL MongoDB Bootstrap


Languages & Frameworks

JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Go, SQL, HTML/CSS, React/Redux, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Express, Sinatra, Jest, oclif


AWS SDK, CloudFormation, Lambda, EC2, ECS, Fargate, API Gateways, CloudFront, S3, DynamoDB, Digital Ocean Droplets

Other Technologies

Node.js, Git/Github, AWS SAM, Docker, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, WebSocket, WebRTC + API, RESTful APIs, Nginx
